Muthu Meiyappan
Company: Takeda Pharmaceutical
Job title: Head of Technology Development & Implementation
Leveraging End-to-End PAT Applications From Exploration to GMP Implementation to Shorten Timelines Moving Towards Real-Time Release 4:00 pm
Exploring platform potential and portfolio strength to understand potential for investment in soft sensors to ensure ROI Obtaining conditional release during biologics continuous monitoring to help shorten timelines and move closer to RTR Addressing challenges surrounding late-stage implementation of PAT to equip for regulatory readiness Read more
day: Conference Day One
Training to Think in Continuous: Adopting Continuous Manufacturing Cross-Learnings Between Modalities to Translate Across the Complete Pipeline 11:30 am
Developing an internal mindset to embrace continuous processing to enhance cost-efficient production along the pipeline Considering best internal practices to reprioritize continuous manufacturing and build a strong business case for efficient manufacturing alternatives Understanding small molecule applications to be applied to biologics manufacturing to move the needle forward for development Read more
day: Pre-Conference Workshop Day - Workshop B